Saturday, 14 May 2011

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the target audience for your media product?

My core target audience would be a male audience ages 14 – 25. I gained the exact right information that would help along the development if my music magazine. From the results the target audience was ages 14 – 25 of the male gender. I kept the colour scheme masculine and bold so the male audience would feel comfortable reading this and not feel embarrassed.

The Dubstep genre evolved from other genres of music such as UK garage and drum and bass. Therefore other groups of people may look into my magazine and buy it as the genre is closely related to others.
All these genres are very popular in the 14 – 25 age groups. Therefore amongst the teenagers there interest would be shared and also be very familiar.

Dubstep started getting popular around late 2009, early 2010 and according to my research a lot of teenagers listen to Dubstep all around the globe. And Dubstep artist range from aged 16 - 25 Therefore the 14- 25 age group its perfect for this magazine and is the ideal audience to present this to.

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