Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Analysis of magazine (Mise en scene)
A continued version of the magazine "Vibe" but this time focused on the Mise en scene.
Analysis of the conventions of a music magazine front cover.
Analysis of the music magazine "VIBE" featuring the well known rap artist "Eminem"

Monday, 24 January 2011

Analysing the target audience to music magazines
Here i have analysed target audiences for two different genres of music magazines.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Analysis of representation of characters continued...
Here are just some more magazines i have analysed on representation of characters.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Analysis of representation of characters
Here are some more magazines i have analysed on representation
 of characters. I have analysed this on the main image in the music magazine. I have identified features like "Facial Expression",
 "Body Language" and "Clothes".
Exploring Magazine Genres.
For my preparation i simply wrote about different magazine genres and explain the ways they portrai different representation through media conventions.
Strengths to this magazine front cover 3.
1.Firstly the main image is well presented in a medium shot. This allows the viewer to accuratly view the characters facial expressions and props and also his clothes.
2.Secondly the puff "Free £15 itunes voucher" will attract many students. Itunes music is one of the biggest downloadbale music corpiration in the world and will appeal to many students as music has a big impact on teenagers today. This will then attract students to the magazine as they will get a Free £15 itunes voucher to then download music as they please.
3. Thirdly the masthead is presented down the side of the cover. This gives the layout a interesting style. The masthead is also fairly big and fits down the side of the page. This then appears eye catching to the viewers.
Weaknesses to this magazine front cover 3.
1. The masthead slogan is fairly small and could appear hard to see.
2.  The colour scheme does not appear widely exclpored and therfore could add more colours.
3. The price of the magazine "£1.99" could be placed somewhere more ideal to increase its visual effect.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Strengths to this magazine front cover 2.
1. Firstly this magazine features a graffiti styled background and could appeal to students as graffiti is popular in that age group.
2. The puff that says "Free Driving lesson" will attract students as around the age of 16-18 students would be learning to drive and also short on money. Therefore this would be suitable to offer this to students. Also a "Learner" plate is presented so the viewers would instantly know its about driving.
3. The main image is looking to the sub storeys and puffs. This could make the viewer feel comfortable and closer to the magazine as the main image has the effect its reading the sub story's. Also the main image is a well presented medium shot. This then shows facial expressions, props and clothes and also the background environment.
4. The puff "Who are the monthly couple" is a mix between red and white colours. This suggest love and passion and therefore links with the question. Also a heart is placed next to it. This then instantly tells the viewer its to do with love.
Weaknesses to this magazine front cover 2.
1.The masthead font is fairly dark and could be brightend up to increase visual qualities.
2.The main image could be more linked with college itself. I could maby invovle textbooks or a school background.
3. The background is slightly busy with all the colours.
4. The date and sponne school logo is quite small and therfore fairly hard to see.

Strengths and Weaknesses for college magazine 1.

Strengths about this college magazine front cover.
1. It Features an eye catching Masthead that is tilted to the side to imply a rock style effect. Also the Masthead font is scratched and tacky. This emphasises a rock style effect to the magazine itself.
2.  The main image shows the sub-urban sport known as "Skateboarding" alot of college students today skateboard. This would then attract them to this magazine.
3. In the puffs Red colour font is used to alert the reader. This could be signified as danger and anger or it can just stand out from everything else to attract the reader.
4. This magazine features a incentive which says "Win An IPhone 4" this would attract the college audience as the IPhone 4 is one of the most popular phone in the mobile industry today. Therefore this would attract many college students to the magazine.
Weaknesses about this college magazine front cover.
1. The main image is not a direct view to college life.
2. The use of different font styles is not widely used.
3. The slogan to the magazine is fairly small and sometimes viewers would find it hard to see
4. The magazine colours do not seem widely explored and could involve more colours.
5. The main image could become more of a medium shot rather than a medium long shot. This then allows a clearer viewer on the facial expressions on the image.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Hello my name is Ross cameron-castle and i am and AS media student. I have created a blog to plan and consruct a Music Magazine front cover. I will show work on my blog and also show how i have progressed throught the AS media course.